How Well Does Your 401(k) Plan Work for You and Your Employees?

A well-structured 401(k) plan serves business owners and their employees in several critical ways.

A. For owners and key employees with large 401(k) balances, the plan should offer a separately managed, direct investment portfolio backed by a highly qualified portfolio management team, rather than mutual funds.

B. For employees with smaller balances, the 401(k) plan should offer a broad array of index fund choices as alternatives to actively managed mutual funds. (Historically, index funds have significantly outperformed actively managed funds.)

C. All participants should have:

  • A choice of either a Roth 401(k)or a Traditional 401(k),
  • The benefit of cost-effective plan administration,
  • Ongoing investment education and easy access to qualified investment professionals.

The Dow Investment Group 401(k) is specially designed to address each of these important objectives. If your current retirement plan lacks any of these elements, it may be depriving you and/or your employees of the opportunity to retire comfortably. It's time to talk to Dow about strategies for upgrading your employee retirement plan.